Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling In)

15 September 2020

Report of the Director of Governance

Called-in Item: Mental Health Housing and Support


1.        This report sets out the reasons for the call-in of the decisions made by the Executive on 27 August 2020 in respect of Mental Health Housing and Support. The report also sets out the powers and role of the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling-In) in dealing with the call-in.


2.        An extract from the Decision Sheet issued after the Executive meeting on 27 August is attached as Annex A to this report. This sets out the decisions taken on the called-in item. The original report to the Executive is attached as Annex B.

3.        Resolutions (v) and (vi) on the Decision Sheet have been called in for review by the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling-In) by Cllrs Myers, Pavlovic and Wells, in accordance with the Constitutional requirements, for the following reasons:-

                      i.       22, The Avenue is a public asset and should be used to help address the city’s housing affordability crisis, through its transfer to the council’s Housing Revenue Account;

                     ii.       The Executive’s decision ignores the opportunity to help to reduce the city’s existing housing waiting list;

                    iii.       Options should be provided to the Executive as to how 22, The Avenue could be re-developed for housing by the Council and put to beneficial use, rather than being sold off to the private sector to profit from a public asset. 






4.        In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution, the calling-in Members have been invited to attend and/or speak at the Calling-in meeting, as appropriate.


5.        The following options are available to the CCSMC (Calling-In) in relation to dealing with this call-in, in accordance with the constitutional and legal requirements under the Local Government Act 2000:

a)    To decide that there are no grounds to make specific recommendations to the Executive in respect of the specific decisions called in. If this option is chosen, the original decisions taken on the item at the Executive meeting on 27 August 2020 will be confirmed and will take effect from the date of the CCSMC (Calling-in) meeting; or

b)    To make specific recommendations to the Executive on the specific decisions called in, in light of the reasons given for post-decision call-in. If this option is chosen, the matter will be considered at a meeting of Executive (Calling-In) to be held on 1 October 2020.


6.        Members need to consider the reasons for call-in and the original report to the Executive and form a view on whether there is a basis to make specific recommendations to the Executive in respect of the specific decisions called in.

Council Plan

7.        There are no direct implications for this call-in in relation to the delivery of the Council Plan and its priorities for 2020/21.


8.        There are no known Financial, HR, Legal, Property, Equalities, or Crime and Disorder implications in relation to the following in terms of dealing with the specific matter before Members; namely, to determine and handle the call-in.



Risk Management


9.        There are no risk management implications associated with the call in of this matter.


10.    Members are asked to consider all the reasons for calling in these decisions and decide whether they wish to confirm the affected decisions or to refer those back for reconsideration and make specific recommendations to the Executive on the specific decisions called in.


Reason:      To enable the called-in matter to be dealt with efficiently and in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution.

Contact Details


Dawn Steel

Head of Democratic Services

Tel: 01904 551030

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance

Tel: 01904 555385





Report Approved









Wards Affected: 







For further information please contact the author of the report





Annex A – Extract from the Decision Sheet produced following the Executive meeting, setting out the decisions made on the called-in item.


Annex B – Report of the Director of Economy & Place to the Executive Meeting on 27 August 2020 – Mental Health Housing and Support